Friday, October 24, 2008

New Yowrk

So I went to UCB tonight to czech out the All Jew Review and it was one of the best things I have seen in forever. Two amazing things about it were that Michael Showalter and Paul F. Tompkins were there. My friend April is a huge fan of Paul's and knew him from doing standup. I was so excited to see him perform since she always speaks highly of him. So he comes on and he is hilarious. Very great. It was more of an interview than standup, but great nonetheless.
So after the show is over I outside to wait for him to come out from the theatre. Sarah is with me and we pretend we are in the standby line so we don't get shooed away. We wait for a minute, but he hasn't come out yet. So we go inside the grocery store next to the theatre to find some goddamned half-chocolate marshmallows. Now, we were already talking up the ghetto s'more earlier in the day, but seeing this took the cake. Well, we didn't have cake, we had fucking ghetto s'mores. We end up getting a few more things; soy milk, chips, pizza flavoured Goldfish for me to snack on, plus some Andes mints for the ghetto s'mores.
I should probably explain what a ghetto s'more is. A ghetto s'more is when you want a s'more, but can't create a proper fire for which to roast marshmallows. To solve this, you use the ghetto method, which is to turn on the burner on your gas stove and toast the mallow over the flame. This is highly dangerous, but the payoff is well worth any risk or actual incident that may occur. It tastes just like the real thing.
So we get out of the grocer's store and I want some of those pizza flavoured Goldfish crackers. I pop those bad boys open, but only after utilizing Sarah's hand sanitizing gel substance. With my properly cleansed hands I reach into the bag for some pizza flavoured greatness. Then it happens, Paul walks out of the theatre. He is immediately stopped by some silly girls up near the front door. While this is occurring I eat some more Goldfish. God damn they are tasty. So they all get done harassing him and he walks towards me. I say to him, "Hi Paul, do you have a second? First of all that was a great show and... would you like a Goldfish?"
He went for it. Paul Ffin' Tompkins ate my Goldfish. - highlight
So I keep talking to him and tell him that our mutual friend April told me I must see him. I tell him about that I'm out of town, to which he responds with a quick, "How long are you here for?" I felt like he was going to ask me to hang out. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that, I mean, we just met and all. Things seemed to be moving pretty fast. So I told him only until Tuesday, trying to dodge any awkwardness that could ensue. I think he caught on to my drift, and there was no real follow-up to it. So we just shot-the-shit for a while more and that was about that. He was really cool and it was really nice of him to take the time to talk to a Joe six-pack/plumber like me.
Cheers to you, Paul F. Tompkins!


Heading to NYC yet again. Wasn’t I just there? First point of business for tonight is to go to UCB to see Paul F. Tompkins and Michael Showalter for the All-Jew Review. Should be a good time. I’ll hang out with “the Show” afterwards and pitch him ideas that he can steal.
I’m listening to the Morrissey set from the Janice Long show from Tuesday afternoon. That just so happened to be my sister’s birfday. Happy birfday Sissy. She’s 25 years young now and I still call her “Sissy”. What’s wrong with me? Hell, I’m almost 22 and I still go by Joey. I’m not some stupid Friends character, why have the “y”?
I’m going to try to get Sam to film some things that Zach and me come up with. Maybe by Christmas break we can have a webshow or some shitty thing besides a shitty blog.


I had my first gig last night. It was a presentation for my Psychology class about alcohol. I made every single slide have a joke. Some were subtle that only got a few laughs, but others were obviously there. I got laughs abound though. I channeled Bruce McCulloch as a business man for inspiration. I’ll see how I can post it on here somehow. Not a video of me doing the skit, but the actual PowerPoint. 13 slides, 3 Toothpastefordinner cartoons, 2 pics of my drunk friends, etc.
Oh yeah, I got a perfect score.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My first ASC post

This is my first post on the All Songs Considered board. They wanted you to list 5 albums you must hear before you die. This is what I listed:

I think that this list will constantly change throughout my lifespan. Who knows what I may be into in a few years? Up to this point though, here is my list:

1.) The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
From the hard hitting opening track, to the fade out of Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others, this will never disappoint me in any way, shape, or form. Even when I'm 60 (if the world lasts that long), I'll still be listening to this constantly.
Favourite track: I Know It's Over

2.) Radiohead - OK Computer
I know Radiohead are all over people's list, but deservedly so. This album really got me into listening to music. It's a close call between this and Amnesiac for me to pick, but this one wins (barely).
Favourite track: Lucky

3.) Stars - Set Yourself On Fire
A very great album from an incredible band. From beginning to end it is such a solid album. The music is superb and the lyrics are just as sharp. A must hear before you kick the bucket. Also, one of the best live bands I'll ever see.
Favourite track: Your Ex-Lover Is Dead

4.) Morrissey - Vauxhall And I
All of the rumors keeping me grounded. Sick down to my heart, that's just the way it goes. And I just can't explain, so I won't even try to. Take life at five times the average speed. Why don't you find out for yourself? I'll always stay true to you.
Favourite track: Speedway

5.) Arcade Fire - Funeral
For anyone that's heard this, you understand. There is such feeling in this album that's real. Most noticeably in the last track - In The Backseat. A song like that is hard to match, and this album stands out as one of the albums I've listened to the most.
Favourite track: In The Backseat

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Current Interests

New York City

RSS feeds for cartoons

Ascii cowboy hats

Broken Facebook chats

Saturday Night Live

Wainy Days with David Wain

Physical media

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Darn right!

I would just like to inform you all of my full support for Sarah Palin. Not because I love America (I do, even Alaska and Hawaii), but for my love of the upper-class. When I talk about my love for the upper-class I don't mean oil company executives, or big top CEO's, but I mean my love for Joe six-packs like John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Darrel Hammond, and hockey moms like Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. My vote in November will be a write-in for Sarah Palin only. No vice-president, no other person, just Sarah.

Change we can believe in. Comedy that writes itself - Palin '08

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mass Debate

Live Debate Coverage! - comedic points only

Palin - Go to a kids soccer game and ask the kid's parents about the economy.

Biden - is allowed to stay on topic.

Palin - is on the Dallas Mavericks apparently

Palin - Darn right! There was greed, and there is corruption, guess there's no greed any more, only corruption. Joe six-pack, hockey moms, unite and take over! Heck of a lot a good lessons.

Biden - Obama is a regulator, kind of like a laxative. Joe asked Joey how much it was to fill his tank.

Palin - Darn right we need tax relief!

Biden - Deregulation across the board!

Palin - Gonna talk straight! (please stop looking right into the camera)
Time's up!

Biden - The middle class are watching this!

Palin - Haha, Federal Government! Hahahahah!

Biden - One hand you give it, one hand you take it. Joe Biden knows about websites!!! Bridge to nowhere?

Biden - Can't slow up on anything! Except the word characterized. That's what I'm talking about.

Palin - I was takin' on the oil companies! Not gonna' happen in my state! Been at this about 5 weeks.

Biden - Asking a rhetorical question. Why?

Palin - That darn corruption and greed on wall street. A toxic mess on main street is effecting wall street. (Where's the intersection?)

Biden - Better get on the stick here.

Palin - *smiled when she said 'nonsensical'*

*End, my phone is ringing*