Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The last night at the fair

I think my flight is delayed. I’m not really sure. I have my iPod playing and I’m not paying attention.
I’m out of New York City, unofficially. I’m in the airport, so there is no turning back. I liked it this time better than last time. Minus all the allergies I had from Jack being there. He’s cool though, so I didn’t mind too much. I think I was probably annoying from blowing my nose all the time and coughing and sneezing and such. Jack’s probably happy I’m gone. “That allergic bastard is outta here!” he’d say.
I really didn’t do too much while I was here, it was an ok vacation though. I got to go to UCB twice which was very much a great show every time. Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch, Seth Meyers, and Ian Roberts were in this one, among others who were funny as well. Sarah and I waited around to try to see if they would come out the front door. None of them did. Oh well. Maybe next time, or maybe I’ll meet them when I’m performing there with them (yeah, sure).
I’m still coughing. Snoting. Sneezing. Hacking. All those nasty human things. Why do people do that?
I’m still not sure if I want to move here or not. It’s very expensive, but what is money? I have that, well, now I do. If I move here I wouldn’t have as much, but what does that matter? I could see Assssscat every Sunday and go to a Morrissey/Smiths night right after. EVERY SINGLE WEEK. That happens in Louisville none at all. Never. Not at any time.
I’m going to hang out with Sam when I get back for a bit. I’m off tomorrow and he wants to go to MyBar. It’s a decent place in a shithole of a “town”. They still have their shitty little things, but it’s far more upscale (HAH!) than the other things that “town” has to offer. Oh well.
There may be more than 15 people on my flight back, not sure yet.
There is still dog hair on my laptop. I will get it off later, along with all the finger prints on the screen. I’ll fix that someday too. Maybe when I get my own laptop I’ll take more care of it.
The captain of another flight just informed the waiting passengers that they should go to the bathroom now, it’ll be a long wait on the runway. That’s somewhat funny. I guess. There is also a plane ready to “re-take off”. What?
It’s good that I never format this, it’d take away a little bit from the shittiness of it.

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