Monday, August 25, 2008

The Dealbreaker

Things are going great, we're having a simple conversation about school and teaching children (how human), but then comes the inevitable question:

"So what kind of music do you like?"

Now, to the normal person from southern Indiana this is not a particularly difficult question. It is usually followed by "Well I like 99.7 (the local 'current' music station playing the same 'hits' 4 times an hour) and country and classic rock. Whatever is fine with me."
Now take me (please) for instance, I am not the typical person from southern Indiana. This question proves rather difficult for me to put into an answer that someone from 'round these parts can comprehend. Whatever answer I may give is often followed by, "Oh, I've never heard of them." That is fine with most people, but for some reason it makes me cringe. I know it may be shallow to be like this, but c'mon, really? Can't there be someone from this area who knows what the fuck I'm talking about? It's so difficult past that point to talk to a person. Something in the back of my mind makes me think "ok, we can no longer get along from this point forward". I don't want to be like this, it just is. Why is it so important to me that I really don't like The Eagles or Aerosmith? Is that really a demeaning quality that I look for in a person? Yes, yes it is.
I just don't know what it is that I don't see in people. I've completely lost my faith in the progression humanity. Or maybe it's only lost in this geographic location? I think Google should have a new view on their map that highlights intellect. Then when I search for directions from my home to anywhere but here, I start out in a big black void, kind of like real life. I can plan a route to go to a blue highlighted area, that's a moderate rate of intellect per capita filter. Dare I go to the lime green locations?!?! What adventures may await there? An independently owned restaurant?!?! Possibly a place to have lunch that doesn't have 20 other locations to choose from?! I must find this magical map!

1 comment:

zmt said...

hang in there.